My Top Gums In My Mouth Hurts My Gums And Top Of My Mouth Are Inflamed?

My gums and top of my mouth are inflamed? - my top gums in my mouth hurts

At the top of the mouth on the right side of my gums are pretty swollen and it hurts when everything he touched. Help? I brushed my teeth like crazy.


MARLENA said...

Looks like you have an infection of the gums, the having. Tip: Rinse with water until you can see a dentist.

mark r said...

I'm in the same position. Try one of the frequent washing with peroxide or baking soda (bicarbonate of soda works for me). NSAIDs may be the strongest, and they shall systematically until you can see a dentist.

Orajel works so well, and if they are in May DAB swollen area of Jack Daniels planted.

Good Luck

Maggs said...

To go to the dentist. It could be anything, from brushing the gums may also be hard to infection.

grandpa walleye said...

In the roof of the mouth? Perhaps burned by the hot pizza or something.

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