What Ugg Boots Made From What Animal Skins Can You Spray Ugg Boots With A Non Ugg Brand Protectant?

Can you spray ugg boots with a non ugg brand protectant? - what ugg boots made from what animal skins

I want to protect the boots from rain and stain ... I say, he works for the sheepskin. I bought Famous Footwear. Do you believe that to protect and keep the UGG brand will be? And they ruined?


fall said...

Yes! I never use equipment brand UGG, and my boots are still searching, even after a great year! Make sure the spray says it is working with suede, sheep, etc., and it must be good!

Veronica said...

Of course, it should work, but why take the risk? I would just like the real Ugg cleaning products and use them as directed.

Princess E said...

this work should, however, could the place you bought to call for security, do not want to spoil the big shoes (=

Bill said...

It should be good.

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